Pony Trekking
Trips from 1 hour to 14 days are available. No riding experience is necessary. Day trips range from 1 hour to a full day which include a local guide and prices range from about R120 - R350pppd depending on the length of the trek. Saddle bags are provided to put your packed lunch, camera, rainjacket etc into so you dont need to trek with a backpack. Organized overnight Treks range from 2-4 days and include a guide, packhorses (which carry all the luggage and food) and accommodation in basic Basotho Huts in remote villages in the mountains. For these treks you would need to bring your own food, sleeping bags, good rain gear and warm clothing, towels, sunscreen, Hat, Torch, Candles, Water Bottles and First Aid Kit.The huts in the villages are equipped with cooking equipment such as gas stoves, cutlery and crockery as well as mattresses. Any pony treks longer than 4 days are possible but require more packhorses to carry more equipment such as tents and camping equipment. Contact us for taylor-made trips through incredible mountain scenery with experienced local guides.
Where To Go
The most established and best pony treks are arranged through Malealea Lodge and Semonkong Lodge. These two establishments have been involved with pony trekking for the last twenty years and all the infastructure has been put in place. Local guides speak good English, have at least 10 years first hand experience with tourists and although, rough and tough, visitors can almost be guaranteed an incredible Basotho experience. Highly Recommended Treks are as follows:
Malealea Pony Treks
- 3 hour Bushman Painting
- 4 Hour Boetsoela Waterfall
- 5-6 Hour Bushman Painting and Botsoela Waterfall
- 2 day 1 night Overnight Trek to Ribaneng Village and Waterfall
- 3 day 2 night Overnight Trek to Ribaneng and Sekoting Village
- 4 day 3 night Overnight Trek to Ribaneng, Sekoting and Ketane Village and Waterfall
Semonkong Pony Treks
- 3 hour Maletsenyane Waterfall
- 6 hour Maletsenyane Waterfall and Spiral Aloes
- 1 night 2 Day Overnight Trek to Ketane Village and Waterfall
Ha Liphapang Village Pony Treks
- 4 hour Pony Trek to Lesotho's Finest Bushman Paintings
Where to stay
Malealea Lodge, Semonkong Lodge. Other places which offer great pony trek experiences include Ha Liphapang Village, Sani Top Chalets, Maliba Lodge, Morija, Molumong and Sethlabathebe National Park