Overnight Hiking/Slackpacking
Lesotho is a hiker's paradise and you can hike just about everywhere. Day hikes are available at all the accommodation establishments.
Its recommended one always takes a local guide - makes the trip more interesting and they can help with communication when you meet passes by. Official Overnight Hiking with local guides and in some cases, slackpacking, with a packhorse to carry your luggage is available at the established lodges like Malealea, Semonkong, Ramabanta. The others mainly cater for day hikes, but if the push comes to the shove will be able to organize an overnight hike at a moments notice.
- 2,3,4,5,6 day organized overnight hikes to Ribaneng, Ketane, Semonkong Waterfall with packhorses available.
- Go anywhere treks with experienced guides from up to 10 days with Packhorses.
- Malealea lodge to Moorosi Chalets via Qhoasing Falls - 5day trek.
- Malealea Lodge 3 day hike to Semonkong and vice verse
- Translesotho Trek - Malealea to Sani Pass 14-day trek
- 3 day hike to Malealea
- 2 day overnight hike to Ketane Waterfall
- 2 day ovenright hike to Ha Ntlasinye Village in the Msaletsunyane Gorge.
- 3 day overnight hike to Malealea
These are our picks but there is a whole country full of mountains and overnight hiking can be organized just about everywhere if you chat to the locals and organize a guide.